Tuesday 5 December 2017

Major Project - Orthograph Updates.

Here were my original Orthographic views I would go on to base my final Orthographs on. I decided that instead of doing an exact reproduction of a real Spitfires design that I would instead stylize it slightly to invoke the idea of it being my personal talisman. Essentially all I had done is exaggerate some of the features of the plane, I extended the wings, increased the canopy size, made the exhausts slightly bigger etc.

After I was happy with these alterations here were my final Orthographs. I also added the lines for the Ailerons (Wing Flaps), Elevators and Rudder as these are moving objects and would have to be modeled as another piece each.



original side (see below)

But when it came to modelling the side profile, I started to feel like I had taken this view off the plane too "off model" so to speak, the plane felt too tall and not sleek enough.

This was the point I got to when I realised it didn't look how I envisioned it.

So I took my Side Orthograph back into Photoshop and changed the proportions and some of the lines slightly, leaving me with this. 

new side

So now the model looks like this:

model updated with changes to side profile.

This in my Opinion looks much better and makes the plane look more sleek and accurate while still exaggerating its iconic shapes in some areas.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brad - saw this, thought of your dissertation...
